Saturday 17 December 2011

Stem cell research and hair loss

Newer and latest studies on stem cell research have shown great success in lab grown organs and body parts. The latest being the re creation of the food pipe , which was grown from the cells of the patient, this was then successfully implanted into the patient and has been a mile stone in this kind of research.

In the hair loss arena this is also a potential for the regrowth of hair follicles and by such harvesting of hair grown from the cells of the recipient. Then the plasma or the grown hair can be implanted into the scalp of the patient.

This technology can also be applied to the greying of hair and dictating the colour pigmentation of hair and keep the hair the original colour for longer or even always.

We are aware for many years that hair follicle stem cells and pigment-producing melanocycte cells collaborate to produce colored hair.

The human body has many types of stem cells that have the potential to regenerate other organs,many communication signals between cells can be modified in molecules to enhance hair growth. For more information visit    on Growth Factors and learn how they stimulate hair growth.

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