Saturday 31 December 2011


It was Elliot Isaacs who set up Pangaea as a cosmeceutical research and development centre, it also holds the large collection of intellectual property rights of research projects.Many of the projects are within his business and sometimes projects are commissioned by independant companies and. Pangaea has strategic business relations with synergy interests globally which provide ease of information and product licenses.

Elliot Isaacs , a Physiology & Pharmacology graduate of the very well known Leeds University medical department, founded the Pangaea Company In June 1999 . He was intrigued by the issue of thread veins and broken capillaries which many women, upto 50 % suffer from, and there was no cosmetic treatment.

With limited finacial resources to set his biochemistry knowledge into action, he began working with friends and assoiates in North America create a pharmaceutical grade vitamin K1 cream , it was he who earmarked this to be likely to be effective. It became a overnight success and sold like hot cakes, it went from great to phenomenal after several magazines reported incredible results.
This lay the founadtional and possibilities to create their own lab and recruit the appropriate people who could bring the ideas of Elliot into real and effective products. They could now resarch the products in their own ways and design as per the needs of the users.Today Pangaea are now Europe’s leading dermaceutical company,Elliot also set up Medik8 and created a cream with great results RedAlert – only after 18 months is now publically known as the world's best selling thread vein specific cream. Pangaea, who developed Nanofibres and are well trusted by the major skin care manufacturers and retailers alike.Elliot’s products can be seen in the most reputable and esteemeded locations in UK like 'Groom' of Selfridges, in London , Wigmore Medical in London, Fenwick Brent Cross and Bond Street , London and registered skin clinics like SkinGenesis Leeds, Manchester and Chester

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