Friday 9 December 2011

Nanogen research and Hair Growth Factors

Pangaea Laborotories is continually involved in the research and development of scientifically proven treatments to benefit those suffering from hair loss. To understand the best way to tackle the issue of problems with hair, and the thinning of hair a very indepth study of the natural hair cycle was undertaken. Our scientists have identified that for best results the hair loss products need to stimulate the anagen phase.

Serum VEGF complex is designed with this concept in mind, it is unique and also plant derived, boosted with other products. The growth of healthy hair is is controlled by a natural cycle, however the cycle is different for each hair, and each hair is at different stages of this cycle. The Serum VEGF complex specially supports and also protects the hair and maintains healthy hair growth at every stage.

In which way does Serum VEGF help the hair growth?

The challenge for regrowth is the stimulation of the anagen phase, to understand this we must first understand the three stages, cell proliferation, cell migration and angiogenesis.

By Cell Proliferation

at the base of every hair follicle there is type of stem cell by the name of dermal papilla;it required for these cells to quickly multiply to create the cells that create hair. To grow healthily the cells require oxygen and good nutrition, the VEGF increases vasolidation and more blood flow , this inturn develops growth.

By Cell Migration

Once these cells multiply, they should shift into ceratin positions which form the structure of the hair. To dod this they are required to communicate amonst them selves, VEGF This means they need they communicate with eachother, and organise their “cellular skeleton” to enable them to move.

VEGF increases glycoprotein in certain cells, these glycoproteins allow cells to communicate, move and adhere to each other.

By Angiogenesis

Growing hair needs nutrients & oxygen, so new small blood vessels form to feed the growing hair, this is called Angiogenesis.

DHT is a hormone that send a signal to chnage the hair cycle phase into catagen, VEGF acts to temporarily suppress these genes, and helps protect the hair from falling prematurely.

After the hair has fallen out naturally, the hair enters a phase called Telogen. VEGF reduces the time that hair spends in this resting phase by stimulating genes for re-entry into the hair growth phase, Anagen.

1 comment:

cail said...

Thats right and those factors were true . We just need to take care of our hair so like these women who were experiencing hair loss after pregnancy . So now they have got more info about it.